Wednesday, 8 October 2014

You're Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile

Hi Everyone!

October is finally upon us! One less month until Christmas *screams excitedly*. However, today I didn't want to talk about festivities, I want to address a subject that effects us all, life. I have wanted to talk about this for a while now but I've never really had the right words to say but I saw Zoella and Sprinkle Of Glitter's video about sadness (link here)  and it's given me the inspiration I needed to write this post. 

Life can be extremely difficult, especially if you are facing a new challenge e.g. a new school, a new family member, difficulty in friendships or at home. Sometimes, these challenges can get us down and feel like there is no way out. However, there is always light at the end of the tunnel, no matter what you think and how bad the situation may seem.

Personally I go through times where I don't feel myself but I don't seem to know the source of my problem. Most of the time, situations of sadness can be solved easily, but sometimes it can lead to things such as depression or anxiety, therefore if the feeling of sadness continues over a long period of time or repeats regularly you must talk to a parent, carer, teacher, therapist etc. and I can't stress this enough. It is better to talk things out that keep it all to yourself. Even if you're not ready to talk to anyone about your problems face to face you could make a list of what is making you unhappy and what makes you happy.

If you are going through a difficult time right now, I promise you it gets better and that there is away out of this unhappy part of your life. Don't forget that if you ever need help or anyone to talk to feel free to contact me somehow (link to contact page here), I'm always here.
Stay strong.
I love you
x x x


  1. What a lovely post. I do think being sad (occasionally) is a part of life, so we need to learn to accept it and not be so afraid of it... It's like we've been taught by society that we must be happy at all times. Life just doesn't work that way.



    1. Thank you so much. I totally agree. Society puts too much pressure on people these days :)
