Today I want to cover a serious topic ahead of Christmas. If you saw my tweet last night you may understand why I am writing this.
Recently in the news, there has been so many tragedies where people's loved ones have been taken away from them right before Christmas (which I'm sure most of you have heard about). I can't begin to imagine how it must feel to have someone you love taken away from you at this time of year especially when it is about being with family and loving the people around you.
Yesterday in particular it hit me. Life is unpredictable. You never know what could happen tomorrow and yet we are still selfish and unappreciative of everything. It's not right! I hear people say how much they don't like their parents or a certain family member but why? Why don't you like them?They're still you're family no matter what. They rely on you to pick them up and help them learn through their journey through life. Some people don't have their loved ones to share precious moments with.
I know two people who will both be spending this Christmas without their mothers for the first time. I can't imagine what that must feel like for them. It's not fair. Life's not fair but we must appreciate what we have because tomorrow is another day and everything we know could be ripped from us. I would never wish something like that on anyone because I think this is one of the worst things that could ever happen to us.
I'm sorry to put such a downer on you just a couple of days before Christmas but I feel like this needed to be said. If you don't take anything else from this, please just remember to be grateful and show love to you're family this Christmas and just remember there are people who are struggling from loosing a lost one right this moment and keep those people in you're mind one day (touch wood that it isn't) it could be you.
If you are ever needing to talk to someone about a difficult time then please don't hesitate to tweet me asking for help, message me on Instagram or even leave a comment in this post. I'm always here for you all.
Thank you for reading.
x x x